Sunday, September 5, 2010

Magazines Will be the Death of Me!

Hi, my name is Hannah, and I'm a shopaholic. With this illness I feed my addiction by buying fashion magazines, lots and lots of fashion magazines. A fashion magazine to me is like crack to an addict. I get a high from looking at the new and beautiful clothes that i can't afford. This may contribute to my depression, but it is something that i really can't ever see myself breaking. The other problem that goes along with this addiction, is my need to keep every magazine that i have ever bought. People use the space under their beds for storage of nick knacks and suck. The only thing you can find under my bed is magazines. If I wanted to I could probably build a fort out of all my magazines, if i was going camping, lets just say that I'd be set for life on toilet paper. The funny thing is I have never read an article in the magazines. All I do when I get a new magazine is look at the clothes and try to get ideas about designing clothes, or duplicating it for myself. My sister finds it especially frustrating when she has a school project and she wants to use my magazines to cut up, and I end up attacking her because I am so attached to these stupid shiny pages of over priced clothing. Well, that's my story about my addiction. What is yours?