Sunday, September 5, 2010

Magazines Will be the Death of Me!

Hi, my name is Hannah, and I'm a shopaholic. With this illness I feed my addiction by buying fashion magazines, lots and lots of fashion magazines. A fashion magazine to me is like crack to an addict. I get a high from looking at the new and beautiful clothes that i can't afford. This may contribute to my depression, but it is something that i really can't ever see myself breaking. The other problem that goes along with this addiction, is my need to keep every magazine that i have ever bought. People use the space under their beds for storage of nick knacks and suck. The only thing you can find under my bed is magazines. If I wanted to I could probably build a fort out of all my magazines, if i was going camping, lets just say that I'd be set for life on toilet paper. The funny thing is I have never read an article in the magazines. All I do when I get a new magazine is look at the clothes and try to get ideas about designing clothes, or duplicating it for myself. My sister finds it especially frustrating when she has a school project and she wants to use my magazines to cut up, and I end up attacking her because I am so attached to these stupid shiny pages of over priced clothing. Well, that's my story about my addiction. What is yours?

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Why Fashion?

I'm not much of a writer. Well, that's a lie. I write, I just don't let people look at my writing, unless forced by a peer evaluation every once and a while. This is a little new for me to be writing my thoughts about my passion and having people actually read them. (If, in fact, someone will actually read my blog.)

You may know the old saying "you have a passion for fashion," well that sums up my whole life. Ever since I could hold a crayon, I've been drawing figures and clothes that I believe people should wear. Granted they were not my best works of art, but they stimulated the creative juices in me. It doesn't help that I am a shopaholic. My brain is permanently wired to look at clothes I want to buy and see that I could make them for at least half the price they are asking for in the stores. This is due to the fact that I have been sewing since I was 9 years old.

So, why fashion? I believe fashion is a way to express who you are to the world. In my case, I don't really know who I am, so I try different styles. You can change your whole appearance just by putting on a pair of reading glasses or a pair of heels. One day I am "Indie Hannah" with a soulful look bought mostly at thrift stores. The next I am "Country Club Hannah" with a polo and a pair of tailored jeans. I love that with fashion I can be whomever I choose.

I don't just enjoy wearing fashion, I enjoy creating it. I sketch almost every day. The style that I love to create is a mix between New York, preppy and Noho (Yes, I know you have heard of Soho, but have you ever heard of Noho?), indie. If you aren't familiar with anything I am saying check out This is my favorite store, though I can't afford half the things in there. That's another reason I want to get into fashion. Clothing these days is outrageously priced. I want to create quality clothes that everyone can afford. You shouldn't have to be rich to look good. I've shared with you a few reasons for picking fashion as a passion, but to tell you the truth, I'm not really sure why I am drown to clothes in such a passionate way.